Hey, Fellow Tribeless!
What’s on your mind today? I’m ruminating on this year’s holiday season. The first snow of winter has fallen, the multi-colored lights of Christmas have twinkled brightly in the darkness of cold’s winter night, gifts have been adorned with beautiful wrapping and exchanged. Fir trees, both real and synthetic, decorated with baubles and bulbs now stand alone, the packages of surprises they crowned now opened, Ta-Da! The now hollow space that once burst with piles of green and red and blue and silver and gold sparkly gaiety yawns empty – begging the question what next? What is next? What possibilities, what changes, what newness awaits us in the coming year?
New Year’s Eve is most known for its ebbless flow of drink, explosions of brilliant fireworks, first kisses, and, of course, Resolutions. We ring in each new year promising ourselves we’ll lose weight, be healthier, quit bad habits, change ourselves and our lives for the better. But, despite our grand intentions, we most often fall short. February blows in, scattering our resolutions upon its winds. So, this year, pondering the imminent beginning to 2019, I’m left wondering, what IS the catalyst for change? What does it take for us to truly become better, happier, healthier? Is it pain, is it suffering, is it fear, is it desire, or is it a knowing, an understanding of being worth it?
Now that’s an interesting question…Do you feel that you are worth something better than what you currently have? That’s not a question we ask ourselves, nor often consider the answer to. But, try it on for a moment, step into it, swim around inside its murky depths. Think about what in your life right now you are merely tolerating. Where are you making lemonade from the lemons? What if you could be drinking something way tastier than lemonade? What would that drink be? How would it feel to raise a glass of that Premier Drink, look in the mirror, and toast Yourself?
Do you deserve it? Only you can truly answer that question for yourself. But I do know, You Are Worth Something Better. We all are! We simply just have to realize it in order to live it. So, this New Year’s, when you’re making your resolutions, consider what You are worth, and I guarantee you’ll make that happen. I raise my glass, brimming with your Premier Drink, to you! Happy New Year and Happy New You!